Thursday, October 29, 2009

Diet: Hindsight Is NOT 20/20

Often times we look back on things that we have done and said "Of course. Why didn't I see that then?" Hence the saying, "Hindsight is 20/20". Well, that doesn't hold true with looking back at the foods we've eaten. Recall is not a very accurate way of keeping track of the foods we've eaten.

When we want to understand our eating habits and the foods we take in, whether we want to gain weight, lose weight, or maintain, the first thing to do is to keep a food journal. Trying to remember at the end of the day all of the foods eaten has been shown to be consistantly underreported. One of the best methods for keeping track of the foods that you eat is to write it down as you consume it. This accomplishes two things: one, you will have a more accurate account of the foods and amounts that you actually consumed, and, just the act of writing down what you're eating makes you more mindful of your choices and eliminates mindless eating. This leads to better choices being made and more success with your nutrition program.

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