Tuesday, October 20, 2009

THE BEST Exercise Program

I had an interesting discussion about kettlebells and how great training with them is. I don't doubt it. I've used them with clients. I've also done full workouts with clients on the suspension training device TRX that are all the rage right now. My clients love them. People swear by tubing, dumbbells, medicine balls, stability balls, BOSU, etc. NONE OF THESE are the best exercise programs or tools!!

Some of these tools are, in fact, really similar to each other. Medicine balls, kettlebells, sand bags, dumbbells are all constant, external resistance implements (weight stays the same). Some can be thrown, flipped, bounced, and pressed, but, with minor differences, they all can give similar results. Sometimes the biggest difference is in the mental variety.

People also rave about programs like Pilates, Yoga, P90X, Zumba, or even Tai Bo. All offer some benefits. None offer all benefits.

Go ahead and try these tools or programs out. Use what you like, supplement with other activities where needed, and change it all up in 4-6 weeks to continue the adaptation that makes you more fit. Variety is indeed the spice of life... and fitness.
(Also, remember that constantly learning/trying new things helps keep your brain healthy.)

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